We are committed to respecting our site visitors' privacy. To provide this site's Services, we may require some of your information (including name, email, phone, address, credit card number). This information will not be sold, traded, or otherwise dispersed for any reason other than to carry out your transactions. Only information necessary to fulfilling your order will be disclosed to our affiliate, subsidiary, or payment processors, and then only that information that is required.
We also use contact information from the registration process to send the User information about us and when otherwise necessary. Such information may also be used to assess your satisfaction with and to obtain feedback regarding the Service we provide.
The information we collect will be maintained in a file system that we may need to review in a variety of other circumstances, such as enforcing our Terms of Use for Users, analyzing and understanding our customers and their needs, and for the administration and provision of our goods and services.
We reserve the right to aggregate (i.e. combine in such a way that will not enable personal identification) the data that is acquired on this site and/or related to ordering products and services. This includes, without limitation, data about products and services requested and purchased by our Users. We may use this aggregated data for various kinds of purposes, including, but not limited to, analyzing our Service, and marketing purposes. We may also share this aggregated data with other third parties, such as advertisers.
It is possible that we, our business and/or assets, present or future subsidiaries, joint ventures or any combination of such, could merge with or be acquired in one or more types of transactions by another business entity or entities. In such an event, we have your permission to share some or all of your information in order to, among other things, facilitates continuation of one or more services similar to all or a portion of the Service.
You hereby authorize us to disclose information pursuant to judicial and administrative proceedings, and in connection with law enforcement activities and as otherwise may be permitted by law, to law enforcement or government agencies if we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate. You also authorize us to disclose information if we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate in the event of an investigation of improper or illegal conduct in connection with our site, such as fraud, misrepresentation, intellectual-property infringement, or other activity that may put us at risk for liability.
We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of promotional affiliates or other third parties to which we may provide links. We do not have control over the privacy policies of any other party that you may disclose information to when linking to from our site.
We do not knowingly collect any personal information from minors.
As a User of the Service, you consent to the aforementioned uses of such information and the transfer of information to providers that facilitate the Service, all in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
From time to time, we may change the Private Policy, and post the changes on this site.